Monday 8 June 2009

A new dawn.....

Well, like a fool, I stayed up until 3am to watch the Euro election results.

My jubilation at the dismal failure of the Labour party to achieve any real success was tempered by the shameful results of both the Northwest and Northeast of England, where for the first time in British history, fascists have won seats in national elections.

Nick Griffin managed to get a slot on the Today programme this morning, and I found myself listening to someone who put across some credible opinions on race and integration. In my half dazed state, I had to pinch myself to remember what these people really are. If I can be conned that easily, how easy is it to fool the electorate? After all, the Labour party convinced people that they were socialists back in 1997.

The country is in chaos.

We have a man leading Britain today who was put into office by his peers, and has never had the balls to stand up to the electorate as a prime minister. He's now run out of MPs to employ in the cabinet, and has had to resort to giving life peerages to his pals so that they can then sit in cabinet.

"We need to sort out the expenses" they keep saying. How can we trust them to do that, when it was them that put the system in place that allowed they to rip us all off.

LDV is due to go into administration today. More manufacturing jobs gone for ever. In my home town of Barnstaple, one of the biggest employers who manufacture doors has just laid the majority of the workforce off. I wonder how much money would have saved these companies, and how that compares to the billions poured into the banks?

We need a general election, and fast. Lets sweep parliament clean, and have a fresh start.

Any minute now, frightened labour politicians will start claiming that now is not the time due to the rise of the fascists........


  1. Ah well young man you are too young to be so cynical about life enjoy it for what it is .
    Any way i know you can not shoot rabbits as well as me .
    You old ratter

    The old forester

  2. Young? I only wish I felt it my old tree tumbling friend........

    And as for rabbits.... yes, I admit it, you could shoot in those days, but I suspect the old eyesight has gone the same way as yer hair mate.... lol.

    Cynic? Moi? Noooooo. I'm just a ranter.. anyway, back to the rats.....
